Dust Up


Dust Up is a kick ass action comedy starring Amber Benson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Travis Betz that will make you laugh, gasp and punch the person you’re sitting next to. If you like funny, fighting and some crazy stuff you’ve never seen before, Dust Up is the flick for you. It’s set in the middle of desert, with a bunch of really weird characters including a Native American hipster and a dude who looks like a human lizard. Want to know more? Yeah you do.

Writer / Director: Ward Roberts
Amber Benson … Ella
Aaron Gaffey … Jack
Jeremiah Birkett … Buzz
Ezra Buzzington … Sheriff Haggler
Travis Betz … Herman
Devin Barry … Mo

Dust Up Links:

Link: Dust Up on iTunes
Link: Facebook
Link: Twitter
Link: imdb

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